AC Tips: Before Calling an Air Conditioning Repair Technician

Warm weather is not far off, specially in Chicago where oppressively hot days are the norm, you want to make sure your air conditioning unit will be able to handle the job of keeping your home cool. You especially want to avoid an emergency repair call if you can. The best way to reduce the odds of needing an HVAC air conditioning repair technician to come to your home that has now become a sweat lodge is to take some proactive steps to maintain your air conditioner unit in top working order to forestall its needing repair work done on the dog days of the year.If your air conditioning unit is not functioning, before you call an HVAC air conditioning repair technician to come out and find out what the problem is and possibly do repairs, here are some steps you can take to troubleshoot your air conditioner system beforehand, and maybe solve the problem yourself.Has the air conditioner unit not turned on at all? Don’t panic. Check out the following:

Circuit Breaker

It’s possible the circuit breaker has tripped. Are you running more than one appliance, using your lights and TV? Too many household items running at the same time can cause an overload of juice, causing the circuit breaker to shut off. Checking the circuit breaker to see if it has tripped, and returning the lever to its on position—if it has—will make you heave a sigh of relief you don’t have to spend money on repairs.


Inspect your thermostat to see if it has shut off, or only the blower fan is operating. A battery-operated air conditioner may only need the batteries replaced.


A grimy and blocked filter will interfere with air flow and lower cooling efficiency. Sometimes a filter that has gotten dirty and clogged can cause your air conditioning unit to form ice. Regularly inspect your filters and change them often to prevent the air conditioner from malfunctioning.

Buildup of Ice

Built-up ice on your AC air conditioning will interfere with its cooling feature. There are two methods to dealing with ice buildup: 1) shut the air conditioner unit off and operate the fan to aid in melting the ice fast. 2) turn off the air conditioner unit and wait for the ice to melt in due time.


Check your ductwork to ensure you’re getting enough air flow. Dirty ducts will certainly impede airflow, so clean them if they need it. And while you’re checking your ductwork, look to see if a register has inadvertently been completely closed. Even a partially closed register will obstruct airflow to the ducts. 

General Cleaning

The entire AC air conditioning unit may just need a good cleaning to get it operating again. Consider giving the air conditioner unit a thorough cleaning before you determine it needs repairing. For the outside air conditioning unit, conscientiously wipe the fan blades and condenser fins. Caution: don’t try to clean the air conditioner unit while it is running.If it turns out your HVAC air conditioning system is actually out of commission, call an HVAC air conditioning repair technician to come out and discover what the real problem is. They will do a complete inspection of your air conditioner unit, pinpoint the problem or problems, repair them, and have your air conditioner unit up and running in no time.


When It’s Time for an Air Conditioning Tune-Up


AC air conditioner Installation